Bear, EtAl.,

My plan would be to spit a tablet between the two Gerber bags, if no other containers were available.

On two recent trips to India I was able to buy “certified” water from Chemists (Drug Stores) for just a 20 Rupees, in 1 liter bottles. For the most part I was working at a location 5 kilometers from my hotel and always carried a bottle or two of potable water with me along with 4 Cliff bars in my computer bag. Toward the beginning of July the monsoons here quite heavy with flooding in Mumbai (Bombay) that almost stranded me for the night away from the hotel.

While not in the wilderness several of the items in my kit could have and did come in handy. In one case I got a rather nasty cut on my finger that I promptly cleaned, with bottled water, smeared on so antibiotic ointment and bandaged. Power outages are also a common occurrence in India even under the best of conditions, so my LED light was always at hand.

I also carried my entire 30 day supply of anti Malaria meds with me, along with a full 7 day course of Cipro.

Oh, and while I’m at it forget travelers checks. $500 US in your shoe is the best travelers insurance you can carry.
To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.