I'm not all that fond of cooking, even at home, and I'd rather have someone else BBQ lunch or dinner for me. But if someone isn't with me that will catch, kill, gut, age and cook the errant chicken or cow for me, I keep it rather simple.

So, I am more into carrying some water, an oven roasting bag, a leg of pantyhose, a tiny stove & alcohol, a metal cup, a spoon, firemaking implements, teabags & sugar, a few of those little thin packets of soup mix that come with Ramen-type soups (I use the cheap noodles for other meals, so I have a crock full of packets), maybe some cocoa packets, maybe a couple of instant oatmeat packets, and some granola bars.

And if I stagger back into the campground and someone is BBQing, they WILL share!

(Interesting historical note from the Overland wagon train pioneers: death from cholera was very common, as they didn't know the bacteria in human waste was contaminating the water sources they used for drinking and eating. Much of the water tasted bad, so many of them drank a lot of coffee, and cooked a lot of porridge, thus killing the bacteria. The ones who drank the water "raw" were often the ones who died.)
