Why nobody mentioned 3×4 non-stick pads (Telfa)? They are important for scratch types of wounds.

I just use ordinairy gauze. Why? because in my experience, non-sticking pads DO stick to wounds most of the times. If I don't want a wound to stick to the dressing-material, I use Betadine-ointment gauze.

What's the difference between ACE bandage and 3M's Coban wrap and which one is better?

Simple: Coban sticks to itself, ACE doesn't. Coban is also used before doing sport to prevent injuries. ACE is used mostly in First Aid. I haven't really found a difference in performance, but I just use ACE because they are more available to me.

What are ABD pads and what about "kling wrap", what does kling mean?

ABD-pad's stand for ABDominal pads. There basically a gauze pad on steroids. (I use Exupad's, wich are somewhat bigger, but I still call them ABD's)

Kling wrap, is something like Kerlix. 'Kling' is a brand name, just like Kendall, Hartman, NOBA, Klinion, J&J etc.

I hope this answers your questions.

BTW: Nighthiker, I've looked for Kerlix over here. Isn't available. I however do have some PriMed gauze. wink

''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1