I wish them luck but I am extremely sceptical they will survive 30 days based on the information on their website. That is a lot to learn in a short time even for people comfortable with the outdoors. Just learning which plants are good to eat and medicate is a lifelong study. From what I've learned from Mors Korchanski, a person could live off the land in the boreal forest and not eat any meat whatsoever and yet they quote mostly meat items as their food.

Looking at their lean-to shelters - that won't provide any kind of decent shelter for more than a few hours -- no bough bed or anything.

It can be done, I've met a few very capable people who could do it but I just don't have the confidence these guys can. For people who are members to the web site you can vote on their success probability. Personally, I think they will be dragging their butts back to civilization after a few days.

BTW, cotton jeans in the wilderness??? Don't they know cotton kills?