I was on an archaeologic survey in Northern California. I was carrying a postwar BRNO commercial Mauser in 8x 60 with double set triggers. None of the Sonoma State earth mothers would have anything to do with me and kept their distance.fine with me, Patchouli makes me ill. We walked right onto a illegal pot farm ( are there any legal pot farms?) I told everybody to freeze as our indian monitor uncovered a trip wired booby trap. He was a 'Nam vet and watched a lot of cowboy movies where the indian observes stuff white guys can't. I don't think he attended any Tom Brown classes. The two of us whispered for everyone to be real quiet and backout slowly. Naturally this one earth mother started yelling we were all real friendly, pot loving fans of the Greatfull Dead as we made the abandoned lumber road. And then we saw it, a black Bronco tearing down on us with this guy on the passenger side wildly spraying a Uzi well short of useable trajectory. I took my BRNO, set the trigger,lined up the third leaf site and took out the front tire. The fool indian grabbed my rifle, racked another Brenneke TUG bullet into the chamber and fired, not understanding double set triggers and pulling single stage at 16 lbs release pressure. His shot pulled badly and missed the second tire, hit something important in the engine followed by flames shooting out of the wheel wells. I retrieved my rifle and took off at a slow dog trot, the patchouli drenched earth mothers running to stay close, commenting they loved OUT OF AFRICA and my Karen Blixen rifle.That made me run faster till I reached our two carryalls and drove off in one. I never saw our indian again after that day. I heard a rumour he was working security at a reservation gaming casino. It can get confusing out there sometimes.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (10/04/07 03:22 AM)