As mentioned by others get with the administration and find out what is allowable. Having things cleared beforehand can save many future hassles.

But you specifically ask about knives. Or more appropriately means of cutting. EMT or other heavy duty shears will preform most of the tasks needed. Broken glass can do fine cutting.

You still want a knife. Get a 12 inch steel drafting ruler. store it as is in your kit along with a roll of tape. Electricians tape will work. Friction tape will also. Probably the best would be the type used to wrap tennis racquit handles is best.

Then when you need it. Wrap 4 or 5 inches of the ruler to form a handle. The find a rough surface. A block wall, sidewalk or even a rock. Start rubbing [sharpening]. It will take a while. Eventually you can form a serviceable 7 to 8 inch knife.

Maybe not the best or the easiest way to go but it will work.

You don't sharpen or wrap until needed so that if looked at by the PTB's. All they see is a ruler and some tape not a weapon.
When in danger or in doubt
run in circles scream and shout

And always remember TANSTAAFL