I prefer Coleman fuel or 'white gas' over propane or isobutane (or other similar combinations of 'tanes'.

The stove of choice for 'white gas' is the MSR Dragonfly. Its not cheap, but it is a VERY nice stove.

It burns Coleman fuel, 'white gas', kerosene, unleaded auto fuel, diesel fuel, and jet fuel. From a survival perspective this is a huge benefit.

These fuels are not as affectec by cold weather as propane.

It has very good flame control, which allows the user to simmer and limit fuel use.

It has wide support at the pot end and the ground end.

It folds up pretty tiny to fit inside a pot.

The fuel tanks have been in use for many many years (25?) with no leakage issues.

It gets great reviews.

Fuel tanks can be topped off before a trip, and, like propane, when one tank is empty I can just swap it out with a full one with no pouring of fuel.