Now we have a better handle on where you are located and the damage that would be done if San Andreas let go. What time of day will the Big One hit? If you expect your building to immediately collapse the issue is really academic, you will be part of the building. However, if you are home, you need to get out quickly. I would maintain a large kit (clothes, food, cooking supplies (campstove), water and water purification/filters, hygiene et al) in my car or cars, and at the first rumble get that car or cars to the street, you and it might survive.

If you dress and grab a bag the delay may hurt your chances. How long does it take to get from your condo, into your car and onto the street? A lot of buildings will remain standing but will be totally unsafe to reenter.

When I lived in a condo I always backed in because it was easier/safer than backing out -- getting out was faster too. You need to be able to get your car to the street with minimum delay.

If you are out and about (work, movie, whatever) and you take your car, the kit is with you should the Big One strike.
Better is the Enemy of Good Enough.
Okay, what’s your point??