I have the Fenix P1D CE LED flashlight that uses a single CR123A lithium battery. Its light output is simply stunning, especially compared to its small size.

I never could have imagined I'd spend $65 for a flashlight, but the reviews for this light were so positive I had to see one for myself. It absolutely blows my EDC Arc Premium single AAA flightlight away.

I liked it so much that I bought a second one to go on our barn keychain that we use when going to and from our barn. My wife is often out there in the dark - kind of nervous about it - and this tiny flashlight sends an impressive beam of light. It has got to be tough to withstand the abuse it gets on that keychain.

I bought both of them from http://www.brightguy.com , but they say the light is currently out of stock.

For me the Fenix is a backup light as my primary light is a Princeton Tec EOS headlamp - another mighty impressive light that I HIGHLY recommend. Its currently on sale at brightguy.com for $27.50.

Ken K.