
Great pack. I wish all students were as well prepared (I'm a faculty member).

One thing I would suggest is some "positive" propaganda. Something like an emergency card with phone numbers of campus security, local police, next of kin, numbers for campus resources, personal contact information, etc.

Unfortunately, with all that's going on at various campuses, someone noticing your pack or finding it for whatever reason might label you as suspicious. I only mention this because I've thought of it myself in my EDC.

It's important to distinguish yourself as a well-planned individual and not someone prepared to run and hide out after committing some atrocity.

I don't think it's a fair judgment, but one I've seen on campuses when I start asking about escape routes and routine safety information.

Conventional wisdom unfortunately wants us to cower in a classroom and leave everything else to the "experts."

Edited by countrymouse (09/20/07 06:22 AM)