Glue sticks are best reserved for longer term survival kits.

If you get into a situation in which rescue will not occur within 72hrs, or you have reason to believe that you will not be rescued i.e. 72hrs have past, and you think that your now MPD then you have to initiate your self rescue techniques. That means tools and weapons.

As a practical matter you need a bow with arrows, fishing spear and a decent hunting spear. To manufacture any of them you need glue.

In traditional bushcraft glue is obtained from the sinews of animals.

However, in order to obtain the glue you need to shoot or spear your animal first.

That is where your glue stick comes in. It gives you a small supply of ready made glue for the manufacture of your first set of weapons. Heated over a fire it gives you enough glue to hold a spearhead/arrowhead in place, Fletch an arrow, fit a nock etc.

If the glue is too brittle you can polymerase it by mixing it with ground charcoal from your fire. A technique that can also be used with pine resin. Another useful source of glue.

Edited by Leigh_Ratcliffe (09/15/07 06:38 PM)
I don't do dumb & helpless.