1) If you forget to take your pills at the right time,
no worries, take them, but do not get back on the regular
schedule. Let this be your new schedule.

Example: you normally take your pills at 7 am, but you
forget until noon. You take your pills at noon from now on.
Then you forget to take at noon and realize it at 3 pm, so
now take them at 3 pm etc.

2) If you take tablets that are Not Time Release, you could
take a portion of a tablet, like 3/4 or 1/2.

This may be reflected in lab tests or other symptoms.

Example: you take blood pressure meds, and one of them is
a Tablet at 10mg (very low level); with your blood pressure
up, ask the doctor if maybe 20mg might get it down. You can
then go back to taking the full 10mg, splitting a 20 when
needed. BTW, re prices, 20mg, 50mg, are not a whole lot more
expensive than 10mg. [Your blood pressure can go up, if you
take less meds, or take more salt, before an office visit.]

Get Super Organized so you have your meds separated by type.
Each type, ordered by age. You should not have to search
through a bag of pill bottles!