I think in that perticulare scenerio, I would probably get my bob, wife and hook up the jetski. After all it is a water type emergency. I would gather up what I could and get out of dodge. I know that is simplistic, but I think the KISS method is pretty much what being somewhat prepared is all about. I have a stash of cash stashed in an established meeting place, so that isnt a concern. What does concern me is the fact that there would be untold number of displaced people. That causes concern in and of itself. I think I would head to safer areas, but then try to figure out some way of sustaining my family. I am in the medical profession and that is always going to be a need, but unless things (at first anyway) are on the barter system, after getting out, that is probably going to be my next thought.
A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is strong enough to take everything you have.
Thomas Jefferson