Originally Posted By: JCWohlschlag

There are just too many points where a credit card purchase can fail. All the fault-tolerance in the world only ensures that the credit card processing companies still exist after the emergency, not that they can help those being affected by it.

My original post was regarding the scenario where a separate region of the country was effected, not where we currently live right now. Without going into a lot of detail, I am more then familiar on how pos, credit card, network and internet systems work, it has been my career for more years then I care to think about sometimes...

In another scenario, if I am on the west coast, a major power blackout hits the eastern starboard (such as 2003). This did not effect pos equipment, operations etc, on the west coast. I distinctly recall using my credit and debit card a few times that same day and the next couple of days with no issues.

In a local and or regional emergency, yes there will be all issues you suggested and probably more...and I would be the first in line at the bank withdrawing cash if there was still a chance.