I've noticed that several members here kind of disparage the idea of having a ResQMe in a car, because the chance of ending up in deep water isn't likely.

1) It doesn't have to be likely, it just has to happen once.

2) You can be the safest driver in the world, but you can't control the idiot who is six inches off your back bumper, or someone who T-bones you in the rain and shoves you into a flooded area.

3) You wonder if you really need a ResQMe tool. How about having three? Put one on the driver's side, one on the front passenger side, one that can be grabbed in the back seat. That's $30+tax. Big deal. The nearest one can be used by the person who's still alive, by the person beside the unconscious driver, or by the kid in the back seat.

4) And just because you never need it doesn't mean someone you run across won't need it.

Try to expand the tunnel vision and get some. It's awfully cheap insurance. Cheaper than regret.

And a 12-yr-old won't always be 12.
