Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor
Hi Rio,

PGP is good but the problem is that the encrypted file has the extention .PGP which is an open invitation for someone to crack. The government can easily crack PGP files.

I know is getting off topic, however PGP does not need the .pgp extension. The extension can be anything you want it to be.

Also do you have any reliable peer reviewed sources that shows that pgp can easily be cracked by the government? If there is I need to get my tinfoil hat on...

Bruce Schneier who is one of the top cryptologists and computer security experts today, sits on the board of PGP. Believe me, Mr. Schneier would not be involved with PGP if he did not think it was safe...

If you would like to discuss this more off this forum, please pm me.