Originally Posted By: Naseem
Here's my beef: I'm living in the 3rd world and can only buy batteries of the AA and AAA types. Also, these batteries come in pairs or in 4's. No fancy lithium (or was it chromium?) cells here.

Thus I'm totally against anything that doesn't use AA's or AAA's in pairs or in 4's. Sorry Petzl fans - I'm not in your club!!! I mean - 3 AAA's (as opposed to 2 or 4)? What do i do with the extra one? These are not exactly cheap out here.

My solution:

(Were did that post go?)

Eh hem!!!
Now where did I put my blood pressure medication? Mumble grumble...

You just died. Couldn't find your meds in the dark. Snigger. whistle

Alternativly, you could buy your batteries in bulk packs of 12's. I do! pay for just TWO BATTERIES????!!!!
Which gives you 3 in the torch. 9 for 3 reloads.
I don't do dumb & helpless.