Hey Everybody.My Survival Staff came in and I am going to tell everyone all about it just like I said I would.It is very light so your arm won't get tired.Let me tell you about the inside first.When you take the top cap off the first thing that falls out is a emergency blanket or shelter and it has a survival guide printed on it.The next thing is a little survival kit like the ones in survival knife handles.It has things like fishhooks,sinkers,line,band -aid,flint for fires,and some more stuff.And it has a compartment for water tablets,pills etc.<br>And the last thing is a storage tube to put trail mix ,nuts etc.<br>And now for the outside.Half of the staff is wrapped in rope and a little bit of the staff has twine on it.There is a bandana wrapped around it.I like it for the handle.A flashlight,back strap,swiss army knife,and a pouch full of survival idems.This is a great tool and I will not be in the woods without it.<br>