JohnN, jewski is right, it now says Lithium with the new firmware I installed plus it did fix my WAAS problem of not coming on when first powering up. I noticed also that I use it as a back up flashlight for close range because the screen is so bright. (Set at full brightness of coarse I haven't tried Lithium batteries in it, I just switched to the eneloop batteries because of all the positive feedback of these batteries in GPS units. It allows you to store batteries up to a year with insignificant power drain plus longer run times.

Comanche7, I'm not aware of any 4 gig micro SD cards out yet, but the downside of this is Garmin limits how many maps you can store on the card, so even if you have room for all the topos on a 4 gig, the software won't let you do it. This is my biggest and now the only complaint I have far with this unit. You can get the 2 gig micro SD cards at Newegg not to bad, I bought one and the next day compusa had them on sell for $30, so I bought 3 more.

The whole intent of the unit is to give me total navigation world wide with street and topo capability. It needs to have the options of Solar or battery powered allowing me to navigate faster in unfamiliar areas and acquire water from lakes or whatever. Shows me where gas stations and food places are (in natural disasters restaurants and gas stations abandon their business and in a life threating condition (ex. Katrina), I know sometimes you can get food as long as it hasn't spoiled or gas from tanks that don't have generators to power there pumps, etc..
With the topos it shows me all the trails I need to navigate to a road or lake, etc..

So it has far more pluses than minuses so far, I'm just trying to find a real small FOB to put the extra Micro sd cards in so it will be waterproof and attached to the GPS so I don't lose them.
Failure is not an option!
USMC Jungle Environmental Survival Training PI 1985