Originally Posted By: SBRaider
Originally Posted By: Rusty

As far as the matches go...I have an entire bottle of waterproof matches in there. I think it wastes alot of space. What is the best way to store these matches outside of there containr in a kit??

With a striker?

I'd scrap the matches and get a fire steel or additional Spark Lite fire starter. You will save space, and get many more fires from either of the above than you would the lifeboat matches in the bottle. Better yet, get one of each, You stick tinder such as Tinder Quick or the Coglans(sp?) tinder in any open space within the kit. Doug's AMK PSP uses a Spark Lite and 5 Tinder Quick.

Ah,no. Sorry. Matches do have their uses. Some people love them, some hate them. I have them because they make a reliable one handed storable fire starter. In some respects they are, from a storability point of view, better than a lighter. No leaking gas issues etc. In a small kit, like your otter box, put them in a small ziplock baggy. With a striker board from a match box. Better yet, split them between two baggies.

As a point, at any given moment (outside the house) I have at least two lighters, match safe and a couple of ferro rods stashed around me somewhere. Plus something like eight plus TinderQuick tabs. A lot of the time it's closer to twenty plus.
I don't do dumb & helpless.