sorry, it helps to be a bit more specific to let you guys/girls help me more.
Going to be be doing non destructive testing using ultrasonic/magnetic and dye penetrant methods. Would like to think its fab yard/ workshop, but probably on refinery or line work doing thickness checking or weld examination. Most jobs here (UK) are about 3 hrs max but last week I've tested welds in a storage tank and will finish it tomorrow. BIG tank new floor.
So hoping employer provides suitable PPE but want additional underclothing so bits dont fall off or so cold I cant use 'em.
THEN theres the apres work clothing. Go Grizzly adams or something that looks reasonably normal (depending what the local populace calls normal). Not sure so advice appreciated.

Work period either 10 or 11 and half shifts. Not going on vacation so want to make plenty mullah. By the way whats the tax situation both on pay and local taxes please? Just as a guideline to UK standards??

Edited by Reddave (07/23/07 06:11 PM)
Edit Reason: additional info