You know, nowhere in the show does it say the demonstration is "authentic". I suppose it really doesn't make a whole pile of pintos that he isn't staying on location for the duration all the time. So long as the production renders the intended effect, I wouldn't knock it too much. He is still entertaining to watch, if a bit recalcitrant in his behavior.

Jumping into a mudhole amidst the heather out in the highlands was pretty dramatic, but I think poking a stick in and saying "My, that looks deep" would've been just as informative. His theatrics make me wonder as to his sanity. Given the stagnant nature of those mudholes, I would liken his act to some clod jumping into a cesspool or septic tank, just to demonstrate how deep it is? No, not too bright. His capture, dispatch, and field dressing techniques on rabbit leave something to be desired too. I guess he hasn't heard of tularemia. He commented that his rabbit was a bit gamey as well. No surprise considering how it was cleaned and spitted on a green stick with the bark still on! I don't want to talk about the deer carcass situation, except that it was ridiculously obscene and dangerous.

Maybe if you have the constitution of Hercules you might get away with some of his antics, but I tend to think that an infection or infestation can be just as debilitating as a broken leg. As far as hygiene goes, I conclude Les is far and away superior to Bear from a survival standpoint.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)