I live in Ohio where recently the weather's been bad and it's been storming very badly, not to mention it's obviously quite cold.

I keep a small Inova in my glove compartment (the kind that takes 2 AAA batteries), but the other night when I went to test it by turning it on, I found that the light was getting dimmer. I took out the batteries and I quickly discovered the reason why - the batteries had ruptured inside because of the cold and a little bit of battery acid was leaking out.

It was a close call. I was able to clean out the inside of the flashlight and dispose of the batteries carefully, then replace them with new ones. Needless to say that torch is getting retired from the glove compartment for awhile...

Just wanted to remind everyone to check their batteries if they keep electronics in the glove box, trunk, car, etc.., and like we say at the potato chip factory on the inspection line, "when in doubt, toss it out!"