Swamprat Knives Rat Trap Review

This is the only (so far) Swamp Rat Knife Works (SRKW) knife I have. It is an awesome blade as far as I am concerned. The dimensions of the knife are:

Weight: 4.42 oz.; 125 gr.
Overall length: 8 15/16”
Blade length: 3 7/8”
Handle length: 5 1/32”
Blade thickness: .123”
Scale thickness: .129”
Overall thickness less clip: .402”

I was torn between getting a Buck Strider 880 and the Tarani, but decided to go out on a limb and order a Rat Trap without even seeing it. I was not disappointed. I like this knife over most other knives I have picked up because it is much slimmer than most of the “tactical” folders. The design of the grip is a natural fit in my hands and I would say I have medium sized hands, but I think regardless of hand size it would be a good fit. Instead of a circular thumbhole like a Spyderco it has an oblong hole in the blade; I don’t really have a preference of one over the other. The first week I received my knife I did everything from digging holes with it to cutting cardboard, cutting fruit, and using it as an improvised Exacto knife with no noticeable difference in the sharpness of the knife. The knife uses a liner lock and as far as I can tell it is very strong. I have used the knife as a make shift pry bar, screwdriver, and scraper.
I believe the knife was $129.00 when I ordered it; sadly the knife is no longer in their main production line. The knife rides clipped to my strong side back pocket (I am trying to free up some space in my front pockets) here it is very easy to reach and bring into action.