Well speaking of military... Local National Guard unit is patrolling JFK and them guys have it hard since they have no place to eat or rest. Food at the airport in general is expensive and horrible. The most guarded secret of one of the terminals is cafeteria which serves good grub for decent price. One day paramedics (us) and cops were sitting down when TSA is screaming for backup as unautorized person(s) has gained entrance to the terminal cafeteria. Cops get up from the table and run to see what's up and come back minute later with 4 soldiers in tow. It came out four soldiers with loaded rifles, proper uniforms and proper military ids asked if they could grab a bite and TSA guy was trying to detain them. Since soldiers rotate so often it is impossible to issue them airport ids because security screening is too slow. Yes I do understand a possibility of men dressed in the US military uniforms with loaded weapon charging a plane but not a freaking cafeteria. ALl they want is egg and cheese that is warm, tasty and cost 2 bucks instead of $5.