1. Installed winter snow tires and new rims on the car. I went with a "-1 system" by going to a smaller rim and a higher profile tire. The tires were each $50 cheaper than using the OEM size which basically paid for the new rims. The tires are slightly skinnier which makes it easier to push through snow. I parked the OEM tires in the garage.
2. Replaced the "token" collapsible lug nut wrench that came with the vehicle with a solid 4-spoke wrench. Admittedly I had this on my list of things to do for a while. I have a passionate hate-on for manufacturers who use skinny spares and cut weight on items that are truly useful. Too bad the tire compartment won't support a full size spare or I would have changed that out too!
3. Purchased a lithium-ion battery jump start kit. I am still skeptical that these smallish battery jump start devices (500 amp) will actually work on a cold dead battery in the deep cold of a Canadian prairie winter! But if I was by myself without another vehicle handy it would be better than staying stranded. If nothing else it serves as a USB power source for electronics but after opening the package it doesn't have an appropriate connector for either my personal or work laptops.
4. Reviewed my vehicle kit (glove box, console, storage bins, duffle bag in trunk) to ensure it was up-to-date for winter.
5. Topped up the vehicle fluids.
6. Began writing up a presentation for my office based on, what else, "How to prepare for getting stranded in the winter."

Now I have to trim it down and make the PP slides.