I've threatened to do it long enough so here goes. Several threads have got me thinking about what we could do if normal medical services are disrupted long term for whatever reason (call it TEOTWAWKI or whatever) or if you just want to explore alternatives to modern medicine. Marduk's thread on stockpiling two year's worth of medical supplies is what really triggered this thread.
So here it is; If you have any home remedies, no matter how trivial, what are they? Also include any medicinal uses of herbs, wild or cultivated. If you have any recommendations for books on the subject, what are they? Books or tips on edible plants would be welcome as well.
Here are my own:
Home remedies:
Brown paper bag soaked in vinegar for sprains
Gargle with salt water for a sore throat
Honey and whiskey (hot toddy) for a cough
I knew that willow tree bark could be used for pain relief but wasn't sure how until I looked here:
http://www.ehow.com/how_5697944_use-willow-tree-bark.htmlPine needle tea can prevent scurvy (ewww)
Baking Soda or salt paste for stings
Local edible plants:
Sour Grass
Wild Onions EDIT: Not actually wild onions, but onion grass
There is a local plant that comes early spring (March or April I guess) that gets a purple bloom on it. The greens are edible (my Grandpa taught me this one but don't know what the plant is called - I will try to find out)
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I know locally we have access to ginseng, yellow root and blood root but have not looked into what they can be used for other than making tea with the ginseng.
Reposting what I had in Marduk's thread;
Peterson Field Guides Series:
"Medicinal Plants and Herbs"
There are two versions, one for Eastern/Central North America, one for Western North America.
"Edible Wild Plants"
Again two versions, one for Eastern/Central North America, one for Western North America. Not as relevant to the topic but thought I would mention these as well.
The Green Pharmacy series by James A Duke
There are several versions of these. Note that James Duke contributed to the Peterson Field Guides as well.
"The Doctors Book of Home Remedies" by the editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books
I believe this is the home remedy book I was thinking of.
There are many many other books available but as I am just getting into this I can barely vouch for the ones I have already mentioned. As I said the Peterson Field Guides are always reputable.
Look forward to hearing other suggestions.