First, congratulations. Twins are fun (at least as a twin I always thought things were fun, my folks might have a slightly different take on things
Now for some ideas for the diaper bag beyond the basics you mentioned.
- at least one set of spare clothes for each kid
- changing pads (washable or disposable) since you never know where/when you will need to change them.
- age appropriate thermometer
- age appropriate medicines (like infant tylenol etc.)
- bottled water (for you or for mixing formula)
- source of music (small mp3 player w/speakers) - great at soothing little ones
- toys/soothers
- camera so you are always ready for the cute moment
- cash / change for quick unplanned purchases
- cloth "burp" rags - basically clean cloth diapers for wiping up after feeding time (or as needed)
- appropriately sized ziplock bags for dirty diapers or clothes
- books (for them), never too early to start reading to the kids.
- toys/soothers
- your usual EDC stuff (knives, lights etc.)
It is a bit early now but if the kids start getting really attached to something make sure you have a least one spare/backup. Nothing is worse than spending an hour wandering the mall looking for your daughters precious "blue puppy" (one of a kind bargain bin toy) that she just put down for a second and now it can't be found. Wailing, crying, screaming, gnashing of teeth and she was upset also.
- Eric