There are good threads on using condoms, balloons, freezer bags, oven bags, etc. for small, collapsible water containers to hold water for purification/filtering in a extra small Altoids tin/GHB or on body kit.

(Interestingly I do not recall any discussion of Aloksaks which are designed to keep water out but could be used to carry water - but they are still in the category of plastic containers. I have one but they do not seem better than freezer bags.)

All these seem to have pros and cons.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had used/thought of Gore Tex socks to contain water - seemingly it would be more durable. the issue might be how to absolutely seal the top opening, but I am more concerned with catastrophic failure from bursting or a puncture and I suspect Gore Tex would be better for that.

The cheapest pair I saw was about $45, so wanted to see if anyone else had tried this before opening my wallet.