Intersting column in today's Washington Post about utilizing a newly perfected technology (underground high voltage direct current) to optimize solar and wind energy by having this capacity to move, in real-time, large amounts of energy around the U.S. According to the proposal, side benefits of building this network underground would be in its ability to help the U.S. recover from an EMP or solar storm.

Thought some peops on ETS would find this intriguing.

"An EMP bomb placed high above Kansas City, Kan., could wipe out the U.S. electric system and much of our digital electronics.

"A year without electricity (no food, no running water, no gasoline) could kill 100 million Americans or more. Even our friendly, life-giving sun could generate a solar storm that would have a similar devastating effect.

"The core solution to both of these problems is a technology that was not fully ready five years ago but is ready now: an underground high voltage direct current (HVDC) electric transmission network."