As you have probably seen on the news, we had some pretty severe weather in NC yesterday. I live in Fayetteville, NC, and the tornado's track was centered about a mile from my house. We lost power and cable, and I do not currently own an emergency radio, which will shortly be rectified. We knew something bad was happening, but had no outside connection except my iphone and some weather applications, which did prove very useful, until the cell phone system dropped as well. We did not get anything back until this afternoon (17 April). So now I am shopping for a good emergency radio which can operate from multiple power sources. Recommendations anyone?

Shortly after the tornado passed (and the weather cleared quickly, making it seem surreal) I went to see what happened and how I could help. I took everything I could carry in my car. It was very good to see how everyone pulled together and immediately began to get control of the situation, even before the emergency crews arrived. This is a military town, and the affect of that was evident in the orderliness of the population in the area. Soldiers and retired soldiers were directing traffic, casualty collection centers were established with trained medics, rescue began right away, and supplies such as food and water was immediately being distributed. Everyone was accounting for their neighbors and providing shelter and transportation to shelters. I was very proud of my community. We were blessed that we had no more casualties than we did.