Due to the storage issues in a NYC apt., from which I am moving out TODAY!!, some of my "just in case" supplies were stuffed into the bottom of a long closet. Getting to them required me to get on my knees and pull them out or to pull lots of clothes out. I didn't do this often.

Well, I pulled all the stuff out to pack up some of it and decide what to leave behind. One of the 2.5 gallon containers of water was nearly empty when it was pulled out. I checked for signs of a leak all around the other stuff and closet and looked for holes in the container itself. The only hole in the container was about 1/4 inch long and less than 1/8 wide, and it was on top. The container had been dented on top, and apparently 90% plus of the water evaporated out of it. It must have taken months for that to happen.

I still had water in my stash, but I did not have as mucha s I thought I did.

I think checking my stuff will be much easier in the house, and, hopefully, I have learned a lesson.