I just picked up another 55-gallon barrel to add to the two I already have. I figured I'd better check and see how the first two were doing, since it's been almost two years since I filled them. They both looked clear and smelled fine (though I didn't taste them). I think I used a bottle (or half a bottle) of 'stabilized oxygen' in each one, though lately I've read a few articles saying the stuff isn't as good as some say. I'd rather not dump them out and refill them every few months unless I have to. So, that's my question...
Will water 'go bad' if stored like this? Will it still be viable as drinking water? I'm pretty sure it will taste flat and maybe like the plastic it's stored in, but at least I'll have some on-hand.
The water will be run through a 'Big Berkey' filter if I use it. The one I bought has four black elements and the post filters (I bought the post filters to remove fluoride from my tap water).
I remember reading something where the writer said it's possible to aerate water by shaking it in a half-filled container. That might make it taste better. Any better ideas??