Didin't want to hijack the prepping thread , so I started this thread to look into bags.

The other day, I was in a store looking for a bag and saw a few models of CANVAS bags. So, my question is : what are the advantages and disadvantages of canvas ???

There were other models of bags made of leather, nylon ...etc. I am mostly fond of nylon since it is light and durable enough. Leather is heavier.

Closures , too, come in different shapes and form. Velcro is great but sometimes too strong for me and noisy. Magnetic buttons are silent. Also , velcro in the inside of a bag may cause problems. I bought a small iPad bag and it had a sleeve inside with a strap ending with velcro. It wasn't only unnecessary for me, the hooks scratched my hand every time I put my hand in there. So I cut the strap and removed the hooks.

Back to my question. Should I consider CANVAS bags when shopping ? What are the pros and cons.

Oh, we don't get much rain where I live. Lots and lots and lots of solar heat though.
