There was an older thread about preparedness sometimes becoming a lust for gadget collection (you know .. knives, flshlights ..etc.) I just remembered it when I thought to write this thread.

A few days ago, I was going through my junk when I saw a cheap ( real cheap ) multitool. I dont remember when and where I bought it. Then it struck me : why dont I just use these cheap items around the house and save my more expensive tools in good condition for as long as possible.

Situations around the house arent "life and death" by any means. My life will not depend on it. So, why not the cheap stuff? Let the cheap one be worn out and then I will toss it away with some satisfaction that I stretched my dollars longer than a slingshot rubber has ever been stretched.

I know that cheaper stuff is risky sometimes. But remembering their limitations they are used for light duty work and they are OK. I can even put them to more abuse than I would put the better ones. And lets remembver that a prepper is supposed to be an improviser. A knife which is too poor to cut can be used for scraping.

What I want to say is that following such a strategy, I think I will not leave behind me a cupboard full of expensive and rarely used knives and multitools. The money will be more wisely spent, perhaps to extra-fill the pantry or the like.

This is especially important these days of financial meltdown and income loss.