Remember that "Young Adventurers Club" (YAC) we started? Here's an update.

Tomorrow, we do a hike across ringing rocks park, in Bucks County, with a super-cool climb on a creek bed, then after lunch, the gang is coming over to the firehouse where I'm doing an auto extrication demo and cutting up some cars, then FIRE TRUCK RIDES!

In three weeks, we are camping out - and get this - the only way to the camp site is to canoe 1.5 miles over a lake to the camp area. Sure, 1.5 miles isn't a big deal for an adult, but for the kids - ages ranging from 5 to 12 - it's a major adventure. I've been to this site before, we're going to use a compass and map to find it on topos (even though I secretly have GPS coordinates). We'll be making fires from sparks and such.

The YAC has been great so far, and I have really enjoyed the mixed ages and the mixed genders. It's been a lot of lessons in cooperation and mutual teaching.

That's all for now