I’ve always treated survival prep as just that, prep for any situation that may potentially get myself or those around me killed. This involves a lot of stuff in my mind, and it does not always revolve around that ever popular “lost in the woods alone” scenario. It Could be a car accident, a robber, a fire or whatever. I often train/practice things that will give me any available edge in a bad situation. I regularly try to take courses in first aid, accident scene management training, defensive drivers courses, instinctive shooting, self defense training etc (above and beyond what the Army teaches) because in my mind I may someday need those skills (or need those skills again)

In my mind this is perfectly logical

After buying my house one of my first bits of survival training was to pace out all the areas of the house and then practice walking them blindfolded. I wanted to be able to find my way to the nearest window or to the door even if I was totally blind. In my mind there are many reasons this may be useful, but the biggest reason would be waking up and having the house full of smoke. Without being able to see I could get to the kids room, and then to the nearest escape even if blinded by smoke (in theory anyway) Of course this is easier said than done….so I practice it from time to time. Sounds silly but in all honesty I can feel my way through my house at night with skill that only my cat can match(most of the time)

Last night after changing the batteries in all the smoke/Carbon monoxide detectors I decided to give it a go as I was a while since I had practiced this hope to God I never need it, but will be glad IF I ever need it skill. Things went well until I tripped over my kid’s guitar hero controller. No big deal, it was good for a laugh.(no doubt it would have been good on video)
When I shared this story with friends over lunch however, they were quite amused by it. Not the fact that I tripped, but the fact that I was blindfolded walking through my house practicing fire escape. In fact, they seem to think I am completely nuts for even considering the possibility of such nonsense. I was taken aback. Some part of me thinks that everyone else must do this kind of stuff as well. Why wouldn’t you? I mean really
I guess I won’t get into detail about the other things I practice doing in case of emergency but I was really surprised that everyone thought I was the crazy one. I first was drawn to this forum because it appeared that there were a few people here who think very much alike but….

Am I the only person who does this stuff? Am I really nuts, or is it everyone around me?

Sure would feel less nuts if other people here did similar things. Let me know.