A couple of weeks ago I was thrilled to find compact flourescent bulbs that emit white light. I've had incandescent bulbs that emit white light, and I really like the way the colors contrast with these lights.

That night, I put one of the new bulbs in the reading lamp beside my bed and read with it. After a while, my eyes started to hurt. I ended up putting one in the bathroom too, and replaced one of three lights in our bedroom ceiling fan. When I put one in the living room lamp, again, my eyes hurt.

DW said it hurt her eyes too, and asked for them to change them back.

After a while, my eyes didn't hurt any more. I still haven't changed any other bulbs for fear of the eye strain again.

Has anything like this happened to anyone else? Any ideas why it happens?
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)