Hello Forum members,<br><br>I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Jay Abramson, I am a registered nurse specializing in dialysis. I have been (and still am) an armchair survival enthusiast for many years, especially when I lived in the Los Angeles area. Now living in Florida, hurricanes get my attention.<br><br>I stumbled on to this site via a Google search and I believe I have found a new home. It is absolutely great to read the various posts about a multitude of subjects, without the negative “Survivalist” connotations. Congrats to all for keeping it a positive, accepting, open area for discussion.<br><br>I have found the chat on PSK’s to be interesting and fun. In some respects it appeals to my somewhat whacked sense of humor. Eventually, we’ll be trying to put a PSK in one of those little metal aspirin tins that hold a few tablets (Uh oh, hope I didn’t start something! ;>)<br><br>I am in the process of assembling some photos and will try to mount a web page specifically for this group that will show some of the items I have accumulated through the years that may be of interest and may spark further ideas and discussion. <br><br>Forgive the long post, I won’t be as wordy in the future!<br><br>Thanks to all for sharing experiences and knowledge. I hope to be able to contribute as well.<br><br>Jay<br>