My girlfriend and I were on our way to a restaurant this afternoon. We round a curve in my Jeep and see a car on the side of the road on fire. There's an older man trying to get the hood up as I pull off right in front of his car. My girlfriend is already getting 911 on the phone when I jump out with my fire extinguisher in hand.

I walk up to him right as he gets the hood open. I let fly with the extinguisher (military experience came in handy) and quickly kill the flames. The fire department rolls up a few minutes later. So, I had to run by Wal-mart a little while later and get a couple of new extinguishers for the Jeep.

One did the job today, but just barely. As of tomorrow, I will be carrying 2 in the vehicle. Fortunately, the roll cage means I have no problem figuring out where to put them.

My g/f and the car owner were a little surprised by my calm demeanor when I just walked up and put the fire out. I explained to them that everyone in the Navy gets a LOT of firefighting training.

And my g/f now has one for her car too. She'd never thought about needing one in her car like I did in my Jeep.

Edited by 2005RedTJ (09/04/09 02:15 AM)