I work at B&N, and recently saw this new release. While not really interested in TEOTWAWKI, I thought it may make an interesting read. I just finished Lucifer's Hammer, and honestly couldn't finish it. It's the only book I've ever outright thrown away, knowing I will never read it again.
I'd like to read books about survival, and I'm about to start "Adrift".
Seeing this new title, I'd like to know if anyone has read it and if it's worth picking up. If it were a hardcover, I could just use our book loan program and read it, but it's out in paperback. Just interested in survival techniques that work, not long term sustained planting, goat raising, post nuclear stuff.
Any comments....just don't want to waste my time again.
No flaming please.
seeking to balance risk and reward
Audaces fortuna iuvat...fortune favors the bold
Practice methodical caution...Les Stroud