I lost (another) Benchmade folder, this one was the Sequel, as in to the 705, also lost, so I finally got a DR mini folder.

This one is bright yellow. It's slightly thicker than I'd like, and the chord is wider than I'm used to, but I really like the finish on the blade, much more than either the black coated or plain bright I've had before. I also appreciate the tether hole, which the Sequel lacked. I have always liked the axis lock, and needed the repositionable clip, since I'm a lefty. Overall, I'm extremely pleased.

I also got the DR PSK and the DR Photon in the package deal (a very good deal at $150). I didn't need another PSK, but I like to give them away. I can't get the strobe/signal functions of the Photon to work, but I'm sure that's just a wetware problem. It's now in the PSK, along with a tiny Gerber LST and a mini bic.

Edited by Jeff_McCann (06/08/09 11:03 PM)