I hope some of you remember this post from awhile back when The Wishing Tree, a children's book about deployment that I illustrated, was published.

With the holiday season upon us, and since ETS helped me when I was working on this book, I would like to give a book away to anyone who donates to ETS in hopes that they will share the love of reading with a child. The first person to donate at least $20.00 (covering the cost of the book and Priority Mail Shipping within the U.S.) will get a copy of the book signed to anyone they wish. I'll get it in the mail the same day.

This will be on good-faith, so if you post here that you've donated I'll trust that you really have! Then PM or email your address, the desired inscription, and whether you'd want it dated.

Here's a link for more info about this book:

Various pictures and stuff from the book:
