Was over at the Walgreens here a few days back, meandering through the smoking section, where they keep pipe and cigar supplies, along with a good collection of lighters; disposable and refillable butane as well as zippo. Decided to try a refillable butane one made specifically for pipe smokers (being that I am one). It cost around $3.50, and is fairly substantial, being made from cast metal instead of plastic, with a piezo lighter and a venturi nozzle. Let me tell you, that little lighter puts out a heckuva good blue flame. I had to blow full bore on the nozzle to blow the flame out, and I have no doubt it is sufficient output to completely melt a 45 caliber lead slug. You can't do that with any bic lighter!

The thing that I liked most about this little lighter, though, is that the nozzle is set up such that it kicks the flame out at an angle isntead of straight up like most standard butane lighters. The advantage to this is ergonomics, particularly when pointing the muzzle down the bowl of my pipe to light the tobacco. I realized that the ease with which this lighter can be manipulated thus would also serve quite well in lighting a fire, as it is much more suited to casting the flame down and into the base of the tinder pile, and to a sufficient depth to penetrate to the vital center area. How many times I have scorched fingers trying to hold a lighter upside down, waiting for the flame to lick the sides of the lighter enough to ignite the fuel chamber and KaBoom!!!. Not so with this little gem.

Just thought I would let y'all know, them pipe lighters are a pretty good gear option for the price imho.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)