My wife and I put our elderly adopted chihuahua, Arnie, down yesterday. He was about 13.

He had a heart murmer and other health problems, but always had a tail wag for me when I came home. He was prone to seizures. The last one just about did him in. He wasn't the same afterwards.

He lost much of his vim and vigor. He no longer chased his tail. He no longer growled at birds. He didn't bark anymore.

His prance was gone. When he walked, his tail was down and he developed a thousand-yard stare. He wasn't having fun anymore.

We don't know for sure from whence he came, but he found home port with us. When we first brought him home (we got him from a rescue), he pretty much knew right away he was "home." Smart little bugger. He was a happy soul.

It was in this spirit that my wife bought an animal rescue shirt that says, "Who Saved Who?"

Who saved who...indeed.

--- Craig