As a general FYI, and related to the marine survival.

As I understand it, the couple were experienced adventurers, and two weeks into a circumnavigation, their 1 year old daughter developed a fever and rash. The daughter did not respond to any of the medications on board, and they used a sat phone to call for help. Sometime between that call and when the medics from the National Guard parachuted on board (Bravo Zulu guys), they lost steering and most of their commuications gear. Guessing from their blog, they were taking a bit of a pounding from the weather. I'm not enough of a sailor to evaluate it. Every evacuated safely to the USS Vandergrift several days later and the boat (Rebel Heart) was scuttled.

EDIT: I'd be curious to see what they had on board as far as medical and emregency maintenance. It sounds like they were experienced, but experience and competence are not mutually inclusive.

Edited by Mark_R (04/07/14 08:17 PM)
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane