It continues to amaze me that jars are still so cheap up here at the Sam's club. They continue to sell 1 dozen wide mouth pint jars for $7.48. I just can't lay off of them.

I processed another 36 pints of chicken breasts last week. When the sockeye come in this year, I will be dipnetting my limit and canning that. If I somehow manage to get a moose or at least a caribou, I will be putting a good amount of that up in jars.

If TSHTF it would take us a while to go through this much meat. Of greater concern will be how we replace what we use up. If things get really nuts, anything within a tankful of gas of Anchorage will be harvested quickly. Of course, with the loss of commercial fishing there's a good chance the anadromous species would explode, but competition for those fish will become lethal. You can bet every river mouth around will be completely netted; enforcement will be nil, so only those controlling the river mouths will have fish to trade with. I well imagine 500 or more armed guards defending that real estate access in exchange for a piece of the harvest.

Meanwhile, lake trout and pike will cease to exist.

Unless the rule of law gets well established after an event, it will be a free for all around here. Best I can figure is get as far away from Anchorage as possible, and not trapped out on the Kenai peninsula, and hope that it is far enough away that your area is unreachable by the rest without great effort.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)