For the purpose of urban self defence.

In Canada it is not legal to carry pepper spray. Spraying someone in the face with bear spray, although most likely highly effective, is something that may land you in jail longer than actually spraying someone with the illegal pepper spray.(the cans are usually too large to conceal anyway)

If someone were to buy a small concealable/non suspicious looking spray bottle, and fill it don’t know....... Tobasco sauce or cayenne pepper mixed with water perhaps, I bet it would serve a person well if used for some self defence purposes. Furthermore, I bet you could be very creative in the type of spray bottle and even conceal the secret liquid in a hairspray bottle to be given to a friend who is a waitress at a local nightclub and who is constantly harassed by eager young gentlemen, It could be argued that she had the spray as dog repellent and only used it against a person out of desperation..

Not that I was considering this, but.......... if I was..............Do you think it would cause permanent damage to a person’s eyes? What common household stuff would hurt like hell but not cause the person physical damage? The intent would be to temporaily blind the person without burning a hole through his face. I have some super hot wing sauce that would probably blind the devil himself but something a bit milder may have the desired effect against the average drunk person.

I really don’t feel like testing it on myself tonight, but maybe someone out here in cyber land has already tried it and thus could offer some tips for a (theoretical) homemade self defence pepper spray substitute that a guy could give to a friend to protect herself on the way home from work.

If not I guess the test mixture of bleach, gasoline and mad dog 57 sauce will have to do. grin