rather than hijack a post about whistles, let's start afresh.

where do you carry your whistle?

i carry a whistle on my car keyring. recent stories about cars over the edge or people trapped under buildings post earthquakes spurred me to this.

i day hike. i carry a 'storm' whistle in a pouch on the waistband of my backpack. it may be hard to reach and dig out in a hurry if i walk off a trail down a slope.

i also carry an 'acr' whistle around my neck on my dog tag chain. which, as a recent poster noted - thank you very much - stands a 50-50 chance of ending up between my shoulder blades if i crash off a trail.

perhaps a mountain out of a molehill, but...curious minds want to know...

where and why?
“Everyone should have a horse. It is a great way to store meat without refrigeration. Just don’t ever get on one.”
- ponder's dad