I'm looking at the ResQMe tool (seat belt cutter and emergency window breaker) and my thinking was to attach it to the seat belt just about the buckle, so I would always know where it is if needed. Also, it would be in the spot that I would be reaching trying to unfasten the buckle, and be close at hand.

My thought was to put this on the driver's side, but then I got to thinking that if there was a passenger when something bad happened, the passenger might have a hard time reaching the ResQMe on the driver's selt belt, and I thought that I should have one on the passenger's side too. Eventually this would snowball into having one on the seat belt of everyone who regularly rides in the car.

Question is, is having one for at least the driver and passenger (and maybe one for each normally used belt) good planning, or just plain paranoia?
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)